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Rumenpro probiotics for ruminants is a probiotic blend formulated specifically for ruminants.

Rumenpro probiotics for ruminants
Rumenpro probiotics for ruminants

This probiotic feed supplement specifically for ruminants helps to improve animal health.

At GreenBio we farm with nature – not against it.

Animals, plants, soils, and microbes play a synergistic role together. The health of one part of an agricultural ecosystem will always affect the genetic quality and health potential of another.

Working to strengthen whole agricultural ecosystems is the only way to maximize our farming capabilities, our land, our health, our business, our communities and to do so in a way that will last generations.

We believe creating regenerative, holistic agricultural systems sustain:

  • Successful business.
  • Rich and fertile soils, abundant crops, strong livestock, genetically superior ecosystems as a whole
  • Healthier humans who will eat the most nutritious, hormone and antibiotic-free foods.

The implementation of restoration is not a sprint but a continuation from generation to generation. We secure the future of agriculture when we can continually heal the land and heal the people.

Rumenpro improves:

  • Rumen adaptability
  • Feed conversion rate
  • Average daily gain
  • Rumen health for your ruminants

Contact us at GreenBio for specific diet applications where we address the needs of the animals at the various stages of production

Order your Rumenpro here

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